Nail fungal infections can be painful and may cause permanent damage to your nails. They may also lead to other serious infections that can spread beyond your feet if you have a suppressed immune system due to medication, diabetes or other conditions.Fungal infections of the nail pose the most serious health risk for people with diabetes and for those with weakened immune systems, such as people with leukemia or those who've had an organ transplant. If you have diabetes, your blood circulation and the nerve supply to your feet can become impaired. Therefore, any relatively minor injury to your feet — including a nail fungal infection — can lead to a more serious complication, requiring timely medical care. See your doctor immediately if you suspect nail fungus.
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Nail Fungus Complications
Monday, October 18, 2010
What Causes Tooth Staining?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Nail Fungus Infections: A General Overview –Part 2
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Nail Fungus Infections: A General Overview –Part 2
Nail fungus infections are caused by various factors. It is easier for the nail to get infected when an individual is injured and when the shoes are so tight to the extent that the hoes pinch the person. It is very easy to get and contract nail fungus and it common among those who have sweaty feet, share bathrooms, swimming pools, showers and locker rooms. Also people who do a lot of standing and are on their feet frequently as in the case of runners, athletes and dancers. If an individual also has a history of athlete’s foot, has manicure and pedicure in places and salons where they do not take care of their nail files. It is also common among those who are about sixty five years old and above and people who have diabetes and other forms of circulatory diseases.It is easy to spot the incidence of nail fungus infection. This is noticeable in the color of the fingernail or toenail which becomes yellow, yellow –green or green.
Followed by the nails getting flaky, smelly nails particularly the toe nails. The nails may also collect debris under them. This is also backed by the thickening of the toenails making the shoes tight, painful, and difficult to walk or stand. Therefore, an individual who has all these symptoms would do well to see a doctor as soon as possible as it is possible that when the infection is not attended to and treated well, it will result in a worsened condition of the infection.If you’ve got all of these symptoms, then a diagnosis is in order and you need to see a doctor in the shortest time possible. If the doctor finds that you indeed have a nail fungus infection, then he’ll recommend what to do in the form of treatment options.
There are varied treatment methods that you can opt for. First on the list is oral prescription. These are oral suspensions taken by the patient to cure the infection. In cases where the toenail is infected, this form of treatment lasts just twelve weeks. Because it is an oral suspension, it works by absorption through the bloodstream only to be deposited under the nails where it attacks the fungus.
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Dry Skin Care
The Most Effective Way For Women To Burn Body Fat
Dumbbell squats
Split squats
Bench press
Curl to press
Single arm dumbbell clean and presses
7 Best tips for fast weight loss
There are numerous ways to lose weight fast and in this post we outline the 7 best fast weight loss tips.
1. Exercise is a must for fast weight loss
Everybody knows this; exercise is a must for a fast weight loss. With exercise you achieve a lot of things. First you burn more calories and lose weight faster, second you ensure that you will not gain the weight back and third you provide your health with many benefits. What is important is to exercise frequently and to increase the duration of exercise every couple of weeks. For starters you should aim for 30 minute sessions, 3 times per week. As you become more experienced with exercise you should aim for 45 minutes, 5 times per week.
2. Strength training is also required
Many people when we talk about exercise they think aerobics or cardio exercises. There is another form of exercise that is very beneficial for weight loss. This is strength training exercises like weight lifting and body building. These are also needed for a fast and safe weight loss and you should try and include them in your exercise schedule. Strength training exercises can help you build more muscles, can boost your metabolism and can help you achieve your weight loss goals faster.
3. Food journal
Being able to control what you eat can play a significant role in fast weight loss. To be able to do that you need to know how many calories you consume on a daily basis. It is a proven fact that people when asked about their daily diet, then tend to forget a number of things. One of the ways to make sure that everything you eat is counted in your daily diet calculations is by keeping a food journal. In this you should try anything you eat and drink during a day. Next to each item you can write the number of calories they contain and thus you can arrive at a daily total. By having this information you can then adjust the foods you eat and save the required amount of calories so that you lose weight.
4. Re – set your weight loss goals
Your weight loss goals should not simply be to lose weight. Weight loss is not an exercise you have to do once and then forget about it. A successful weight loss is when you manage to lose weight by changing your lifestyle and eating habits and not by just saving calories and making calculations. Eating healthy should become your second nature and exercising should become your daily friend. So, instead of just setting arithmetic goals concentrate on how to change your lifestyle to match a healthier living.
5. Separate eating from your other emotions
A lot of people have associated eating with their emotions. It is very common for people to eat because they are feeling stress, anxiety, depression, anger etc. This is a bad and very unhealthy habit. Usually the food you eat when in this state is unhealthy and full of fats and calories. You need to realize that food is not the medicine for your emotions. Food is a pleasure and a way to provide your body with the energy it needs to function properly. If you want to lose weight then you should seriously consider this situation and disassociate food with emotions.
6. Get all the support you can get
For long term weight loss results you need to get encouragement and support. The best way to get this support is from friends, family and from other people that are in the same situation. There will be times during the process that you will get bored and willing to quit, there will also be times that you won’t believe in yourself and you need someone to give you encouragement and motivation to continue. Do not underestimate the power and support you can get and do not be shy to share your weight loss dreams with your friends and family.
7. Start slow, plan big
All the weight loss tips explained above are valid and essential for a fast weight loss. It is necessary though to start by gradually making changes both to your lifestyle, eating and exercise habits. Do not rush and do not make too drastic changes from one day to the next. Start slowly and stay focus on your goals. As you become more experienced make more changes until you reach a point that your lifestyle, diet and exercise routine are in accordance with your weight loss goals.
Eating Out in Restaurants - Gluten Free Diet
Autism and Gluten Free Diet - Does It Really Work?
How to Quit Smoking without the Weight Gain
If you are smoking and want to make a healthy lifestyle you could start by deciding for yourself to strip off the habit from your system. But together with aiming to strip off the habit is weight gain because you will increase your appetite when you quit smoking. How can you fight this problem?Cigarettes stimulates metabolism according to smoking cessation therapist, 250 calories in the body get burned when you consumed a pack of cigarette a day. When you quit, the body metabolism slows down resulting for those calories to slowly burn and giving you extra weight. Some people gain 2 pounds once they quit for 2 weeks and with this occurrence they tend to resume smoking to prevent weight gain so quitting will then be unsuccessful. Sticking to the decision of quitting will not be that much of a burden because eventually the metabolism will normalize. Typically, smokers only gain 5-7 pounds throughout the process of quitting. And when you think about the advantages of having a healthy and smoke free living, you will feel great inside and out and not minding those gained extra pounds.You vital organs like the lungs, heart and arteries will be free of the toxins and will start to regenerate new cells after being intoxicated with nicotine.Gradually after quitting you will notice changes in your physical appearance. Your skin is free from stress and will appeal to be fairer and smoother, those yellow stains on your fingers and fingernails will disappear, you won’t have bad breath anymore, and your teeth will be free from stains and you will have healthier gums too. These are the good fallback of quitting. To lessen the cravings and weight gain, do drinks lots of water ideally 8oz glasses a day to keep you hydrated and to flush out toxins. Substitute healthy food with cigarette but not use junk foods because it won’t help you in becoming healthy. Don’t go for sugar rich and unhealthy foods. Do also have exercises so to keep you busy and increase metabolism. Join group therapy this will help you be encourage on the continuous quitting agenda, use also nicotine replacements. You have to have a focused mind to be able to fight challenging moments that will tempt you to go back to smoking.
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Quit Smoking Support – How Necessary It Is?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Quit Smoking Support – How Necessary It Is?
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5 Helpful Tips for Constipation Treatment
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Muira puama for Increased Libido
This Brazilian herb Muira puama, also referred to as murapuama, is mostly known for its effective help with erectile dysfunction and increasing libido and as an aphrodisiac - but is also an excellent tonic for increasing general well-being and mental tiredness.
Muira puama is a bush / small tree up to 5 meters in height and produces pungent flowers with a jasmine like fragrance.
The indigenous tribes in Brazil have used the roots and bark internally in a tea as an aphrodisiac, for treating sexual debility and erectile dysfunction, nervous system disorders, neuralgia, baldness, impotency, gastrointestinal disorders, neuromuscular problems and rheumatism.
Murapuama has been used as a herb in Europe for some time and is listed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, a source on herbal medicine from the British Herbal Medicine Association, and is recommended for the treatment of dysentery and impotence.
It is from the Olacaceae family, and the genus is Ptychopetalum (species olacoides) and is also known as Muira Puama, Marapuama, Marapama, Potency Wood and Potenzholz. The bark and roots are used in herbal treatments.
vAlthough many people are skeptical about sexual stimulants or "herbal viagra" as such, the muira puama herb has been shown by Dr. Jacques Waynberg, a world authority on sexual functioning, of the Institute of Sexology in Paris, France, that it is effective in assisting in increasing sexual desire as well as attaining and maintaining an erection.
The action of the muira puama herb is not fully understood but it seems to assist with both the psychological as well as the physical aspect of sexual function.
Muira puama contains: The active constituents are free long-chain fatty acids, sterols, coumarin, alkaloids and essential oils. Chemically, it contains .05% muirapuamine, .4% fat, .5% alkaloids, .6% pholbaphene, .6% alpha-resinic acid, .7% beta resinic acid, .5% of a mixture of esters including behenic acid, lupeol and beta-sitosterol, as well as tannin, volatile oils and fatty acids.
Muira puama is considered a safe herb, whereas another herbal sexual stimulant called yohimbine can induce anxiety, panic attacks, and hallucinations in some individuals, as well as elevated blood pressure, high heart rate, dizziness, headache, and skin flushing.
Although some people maintain that muira puama is just a general tonic, there are far more confirmations out there in the real world from satisfied users, to the fact that it is great for assisting with erectile dysfunction and increasing sexual enjoyment.
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Resveratrol and Weight Loss
Friday, August 27, 2010
Hearing Loss on the Rise in Teens
Friday, August 20, 2010
10 Most Common Bulking Mistakes
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
1) Not Eating Enough
2) Not Eating Enough Healthy Clean Foods
3) Staying away from Carbohydrates
4) No Cardio
5) Too Much Cardio
6) Too Much Machine Use
7) Not Enough Rest/ Recovery Time
8) Scale
9) Lack of a Goal
10) Skipping Meals:
Quit Smoking Pill – An Effective Way To Reach Your Goal
Quit Smoking Pill – An Effective Way To Reach Your GoalThere are many, many ways out there that would help you in your fight against the habit of smoking. Each method has its own plus and minus points and the success of your endeavor will always depend on your ability to find the method that suits your requirements best. Among the well-received aids available today is the quit smoking pill.
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Maca Increases Libido
Friday, August 13, 2010
Historical or traditional use (may or may not be supported by scientific studies) Maca root has been an important food for the native people in the Andes of Peru, including the Incas, for at least 2,000 years.1 It is eaten baked, dried, mixed with milk, or in a variety of other forms and dishes. It is also traditionally believed to enhance strength, endurance, libido, and fertility.
Active constituents: Maca contains substantial quantities of protein, fat, fiber, and minerals including iron, which also contribute to its nutritional value. It also contains glucosinolates, the strong-smelling compounds that are responsible for the pungent smell and taste of mustard family plants. Neither these nor any other constituents in maca have definitively been shown to contribute to its actions.
Preliminary studies have shown that maca can increase libido in healthy men. It does this without influencing levels of testosterone or any other sex hormones. Healthy men who take maca have also been shown to have increased semen volume, increased sperm counts, and enhanced sperm motility.
Numerous animal studies show that maca extracts can increase sex drive and improve fertility. Other studies support that it can relieve the negative effects of stress reactions. The red cultivar, though not the black or cream, also reduced enlarged prostates in rats.
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How to Stop Smoking in a Second
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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Breast Enhancement Surgery
Friday, August 6, 2010
Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.
Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.
Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.
If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.
Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.
In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected."
21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.
Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author. )
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Maca Increases Libido
Historical or traditional use (may or may not be supported by scientific studies) Maca root has been an important food for the native people in the Andes of Peru, including the Incas, for at least 2,000 years.1 It is eaten baked, dried, mixed with milk, or in a variety of other forms and dishes. It is also traditionally believed to enhance strength, endurance, libido, and fertility.
Active constituents: Maca contains substantial quantities of protein, fat, fiber, and minerals including iron, which also contribute to its nutritional value. It also contains glucosinolates, the strong-smelling compounds that are responsible for the pungent smell and taste of mustard family plants. Neither these nor any other constituents in maca have definitively been shown to contribute to its actions.
Preliminary studies have shown that maca can increase libido in healthy men. It does this without influencing levels of testosterone or any other sex hormones. Healthy men who take maca have also been shown to have increased semen volume, increased sperm counts, and enhanced sperm motility.
Numerous animal studies show that maca extracts can increase sex drive and improve fertility. Other studies support that it can relieve the negative effects of stress reactions. The red cultivar, though not the black or cream, also reduced enlarged prostates in rats.
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Fact vs. Faction About Muscle
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
But that doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about. Starting now, ignore him.
The gym is infested with bad information. Lies that start with well-intentioned gym teachers trickle down to students who become coaches, trainers, or know-it-all gym-rat preachers. Lies morph into myths that endure because we don't ask questions, for fear of looking stupid.
Scientists, on the other hand, gladly look stupid--that's why they're so darn smart. Plus, they have cool human-performance laboratories where they can prove or disprove theories and myths.
Here's what top exercise scientists and expert trainers have to say about the crap that's passed around in gyms. Listen up and learn. Then go ahead, question it.
Lifting super slowly produces superlong workouts--and that's it. University of Alabama researchers recently studied two groups of lifters doing a 29-minute workout. One group performed exercises using a 5-second up phase and a 10-second down phase, the other a more traditional approach of 1 second up and 1 second down. The faster group burned 71 percent more calories and lifted 250 percent more weight than the superslow lifters.
The real expert says: "The best increases in strength are achieved by doing the up phase as rapidly as possible," says Gary Hunter, Ph.D., C.S.C.S., the lead study author. "Lower the weight more slowly and under control." There's greater potential for growth during the lowering phase, and when you lower with control, there's less chance of injury.
To a point, sure. But put down the shake for a sec. Protein promotes the muscle-building process, called protein synthesis, "but you don't need exorbitant amounts to do this," says John Ivy, Ph.D., coauthor of Nutrient Timing.
If you're working out hard, consuming more than 0.9 to 1.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight is a waste. Excess protein breaks down into amino acids and nitrogen, which are either excreted or converted into carbohydrates and stored.
The real expert says: More important is when you consume protein, and that you have the right balance of carbohydrates with it. Have a postworkout shake of three parts carbohydrates and one part protein.
Eat a meal several hours later, and then reverse that ratio in your snack after another few hours, says Ivy. "This will keep protein synthesis going by maintaining high amino acid concentrations in the blood."
Lists Eye Creams as “Must Have” for Men
In a Fox News article, a report listed eye creams as one of the TOP 10 Products Every Man Should Own. When you see other items in the report such as “multivitamins,” you know it’s a serious list of products. Here is a breakdown of what Fox reported in their top ten list, as well as some comments on what they had to say about eye creams.
-Scalp stimulant/hair revitalizer
-High-quality razor and shaving cream
- Eye Cream
Here is what Fox’s report said about “Why it fights the aging process.”
Eye cream is designed to hydrate and deliver nutrients to the sensitive, thin skin around your eyes, where wrinkles often first appear. Top products either plump up skin to minimize the appearance of any fine lines you presently have or target the cell turnover process to slow the formation of future wrinkles.
How to use it: Use an eye cream twice daily — once in the morning and again before bed. A light touch is needed when applying this product as stretching out your skin will encourage wrinkles rather than get rid of them. Dab on eye cream by moving in semicircles toward your nose underneath your eye and on your lids. Store this stuff in the fridge if you also want to depuff under-eye bags and wake up tired eyes.
The list rounds out with an antioxidant moisturizer, a good re-usable water bottle, great mattress, sunscreen, and weights/exercise equipment. Sounds like a lot of stuff that most men do have, sans the skin care products.
The bottom line is that “looking young” is “in,” and everyone from celebrities to major men’s web portals like know that. It’s good to see that a serious top ten list was released, and not the stress is on taking care of one’s self. If you count the razor & shaving cream as skin-related products, you have five of the ten products coming from the skin care niche.
By the way, all you men out there, a woman wrote that article, so you can see that women are once again suggesting that good skin is what they want in their man!
Hemorrhoids care
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
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How to Quit Smoking without the Weight Gain
Monday, August 2, 2010
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Vitamin A, Beta-Carotene And Their Safety
Friday, July 30, 2010
A large study on over 22,000 pregnant women who supplemented with vitamin A during early pregnancy found that those women taking more than 60,000 IU of preformed vitamin A per day in the form of supplements had about one in fifty-seven of a chance of a malformation attributable to the supplement. In consuming more than 60,000 IU of vitamin A, a five-fold greater risk for birth defects arises as compared to consumption of less than 25,000 IU per day. The prevalence of birth defects seems to be greatest in those women who consume high levels of pre-formed vitamin within the first seven weeks of their pregnancy. Authors of the study concluded that women who may possibly become pregnant should limit their retinol intake to below 15,000 IU, or supplement with beta-carotene instead.
Beta-carotene is the orange/yellow-colored pigment that is often found in many garden vegetables. It is a retinal precursor. The body is able to easily convert beta-carotene into vitamin A by turning the carotene molecule into two molecules of retinol as they are needed. This allows for the avoidance of toxic accumulation of pre-formed vitamin A. Once beta-carotene is transformed into active retinol, it offers the same beneficial affects. The only symptoms associated with beta-carotene supplementation are loose stools or slight discoloration of the skin. This makes beta-carotene, even at high doses, safe for the body because it does not exhibit toxicity. An added benefit of beta-carotene is that it is a much more potent antioxidant than retinol, as it provides even greater protection against oxidative challenges. The worst thing that can happen to you if you take too much beta-carotene is that you may turn orange like a carrot. However, this should not be a worry because you will be just fine.
The majority of nutrients that are used in supplementation have a large measure of safety. Unfortunately, the use of vitamin A warrants prudence and caution. This is especially crucial when it is consumed by children or those women who are pregnant. Because of this, the level of vitamin A in excess of the upper limit of intake that is prescribed by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, is a crucial criterion in determining how good a product is. The criterion for potential toxicities asks whether the nutritional supplement contains vitamin A. If so, it asks whether the potency of vitamin A exceeds 100% of the upper limit of intake that is prescribed by the US Food and Nutrition Board.
To be on the safe side, take beta-carotene which has no side effects even at very high doses but exhibits the same health benefits of consuming preformed vitamin A. Look to your local or internet vitamin store for name brands like Solaray and Source Naturals for all your Vitamin A and beta-carotene needs.
Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment
The fear and pain of surgical removal is not required and it can work out more cost effective.What the natural hemorrhoids treatment should do:Improve the vascular circulation & strengthen vein tone to prevent future internal or external hemorrhoids. It should naturally treat the underlying root causes of hemorrhoids.It should help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids like burning, itching, and anal discomfort.Some natural hemorrhoids treatment-Japanese Pagoda Tree- This tree extract is one of the best herbal supplement for naturally treating hemorrhoids.
Clinical studies prove that this herbal extract successfully eliminated the hemorrhoids symptoms with a great success rate. The help normalize the permeability of veins and capillaries and strengthen vein walls. They provide necessary nutrients to maintain optimal vein health.Horse chestnut- This extract is said to have the ability to support vascular circulation, as well as strengthen connective tissues and vein tone.Butcher's broom- It acts as a natural vasoconstrictor with anti-inflammatory properties and has the ability to strengthen and tone veins.
Apart from these Natural hemorrhoids treatment using herbs there are some measure, which you can take at home.
1. Apply ice packs on the affected areas.
2. Sitz bath, which is a small tub and is specially designed to allow the soaking of hemorrhoids without taking a bath. In this process the rectal area is soaked in hot water for 15-20 minutes about 3-4 times a day. Not only does this helps relieve symptoms but also aids shrinkage of the hemorrhoids.
3. Buy a doughnut shaped cushion. They are available in pharmacies and medical supply stores and can be useful to hemorrhoid sufferers. Try and sit on it as instructed.
4. Try and practice healthy bowel habits. Avoid straining your self while passing stool. Don't hold your breathe will on the bowel. Get off the toilet as you are finished.
5. Drink lots of water as it smoothens your stool passage.
6. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables and fibrous food items.
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